Video Profile

Saman Cement is a cutting-edge cement manufacturing company with an ambition to establish itself as a leading player in the industry.
Our corporate culture is built on the values of quality, trust, and transparency. An emphasis on technological superiority enables us to differentiate our offering through impeccable quality and effective communication. With an extensive network of dealers, we endeavor to earn a place in the premium segment of the market.
Cement Plant :
Saman Cement Plant is invested by Saman Cement Co., Sinoma International Engineering Co.Ltd. was selected as EPC contractor for the project.
The plant, located in Iraq, Al Mothanna District, 38Km west of Samawa City, consists of two parallel production lines with a capacity of 4 million tons/year; the first line construction was commenced at the beginning of 2015 and its first batch cement will be produced in the first quarter of 2018.

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